When the "nagging feeling" doesn't goes away...

It happens to you every day. At any place, at any time. You may feel like it follows you everywhere. It has become a part of yours. Whenever you try to do something new, out of your normal monotonous routine, it comes to you & says"Yeah, you cannot do it." I think it all started when you had our first taste of success. People started expecting greater things from you. I guess you had started to do it too. But then, the expectations didn't match the results. So, you took what you got & lowered your expectations. Everything was "just fine" for sometime until one day it wasn't. When you thought to ourselves that you had what it takes to make it big," The feeling" was in the background, rubbing its hands together like the devil, whispering "We'll see about that." Yet again, the devil triumphed & you were let down by yourself. So, you took up the first thing you got without giving it much th...